6 Best Sauna Tracker Apps For Android & Ios 

Are you a sauna enthusiast looking to optimize your sauna sessions and track your progress? Look no further! With the rising popularity of saunas for wellness and relaxation, sauna tracker apps have emerged as valuable tools to help you achieve your sauna goals. we will explore the benefits of using sauna tracker apps and introduce you to the best options available for Android and iOS.

6 Best Sauna Tracker Apps 

Visual TimerDownload
Timer PlusDownload
Minimalist Pomodoro TimerDownload
HoursTracker: Time trackingDownload

1. SaunaControl

As I explore the best sauna tracker apps for Android & iOS, SaunaControl stands out as an exceptional choice. This app offers a comprehensive set of features that allow me to monitor and optimize my sauna sessions effectively. With SaunaControl, I can easily track the temperature, set timers, and customize my sauna experience to suit my preferences.

Features of SaunaControl:

  • Temperature control: SaunaControl enables me to adjust the temperature settings of my sauna effortlessly, ensuring a comfortable and personalized experience.
  • Session tracking: The app allows me to keep track of my sauna sessions, recording the duration and frequency of each session.
  • Timer customization: I can set timers to ensure that my sauna sessions are timed perfectly, allowing me to relax and rejuvenate without any worries.

Pros of SaunaControl:

  • User-friendly interface: SaunaControl has an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it simple for me to monitor and control my sauna sessions.
  • Personalization options: The app provides various customization options, allowing me to tailor my sauna experience according to my preferences and needs.
  • Detailed session history: SaunaControl offers a comprehensive session history, enabling me to review and analyze my sauna sessions over time.

Cons of SaunaControl:

  • Limited availability: SaunaControl may not be available for all sauna models or platforms, so it’s important to check compatibility before downloading.
  • Potential for technical glitches: Some users have reported occasional technical issues, such as connectivity problems or app crashes. However, these occurrences are relatively rare and can often be resolved with app updates.

2. Sauna

Among the best sauna tracker apps for Android & iOS, the Sauna app stands out as a reliable and user-friendly option. With its range of features and functionalities, Sauna allows me to effortlessly monitor and track my sauna sessions, helping me achieve my wellness goals.

Features of Sauna:

  • Session monitoring: Sauna lets me keep track of the duration, temperature, and other key metrics of my sauna sessions, providing valuable insights into my progress.
  • Goal setting: The app allows me to set goals for my sauna sessions, whether it’s achieving a certain temperature, duration, or frequency. This feature helps me stay motivated and focused on my sauna routine.
  • Temperature alerts: Sauna provides temperature alerts to ensure that I maintain a safe and comfortable sauna experience. It notifies me if the temperature exceeds a specified threshold.

Pros of Sauna:

  • Intuitive interface: Sauna features a user-friendly interface, making it easy for me to navigate and access its various functionalities.
  • Goal-oriented approach: The app’s goal-setting feature helps me stay on track and work towards achieving specific objectives during my sauna sessions.
  • Temperature alerts for safety: Sauna’s temperature alerts provide an added layer of safety, ensuring that I can enjoy my sauna sessions without any concerns.

Cons of Sauna:

  • Limited customization options: Some users may find the customization options in Sauna to be relatively limited compared to other sauna tracker apps.
  • Compatibility issues: While Sauna is available for both Android and iOS, it’s essential to check if it supports your specific sauna model or device before downloading.

3. Visual Timer

When it comes to the best sauna tracker apps for Android & iOS, Visual Timer is a standout option that provides a unique approach to tracking sauna sessions. This app utilizes visual cues and timers to help me monitor and optimize my sauna experience effectively. With Visual Timer, I can easily track the duration of my sauna sessions and ensure that I achieve my desired goals.

Features of Visual Timer:

  • Visual countdown: Visual Timer displays a visual countdown timer, making it easy for me to track the remaining time of my sauna session at a glance.
  • Customizable timers: The app allows me to set timers according to my preferences, whether it’s for specific session durations or intervals between sauna sessions.
  • Progress tracking: Visual Timer provides a progress bar that visually represents the elapsed time of my sauna session, helping me stay motivated and focused.

Pros of Visual Timer:

  • Intuitive visual cues: The visual countdown and progress tracking features of Visual Timer provide a clear and easy-to-understand representation of my sauna session, enhancing my overall experience.
  • Customizability: Visual Timer offers various customization options, allowing me to tailor the timers to my specific sauna routine and goals.
  • Motivational tool: The visual cues and progress tracking feature serve as a motivational tool, keeping me engaged and focused during my sauna sessions.

Cons of Visual Timer:

  • Limited additional features: Visual Timer primarily focuses on providing a visual countdown and progress tracking, so it may lack some of the advanced features found in other sauna tracker apps.
  • Compatibility limitations: It’s important to ensure that the Visual Timer is compatible 

4. Timer Plus

As I continue to explore the best sauna tracker apps for Android & iOS, Timer Plus stands out as a versatile and feature-rich option. This app provides a comprehensive set of timer functionalities that enable me to time and track my sauna sessions with precision. With Timer Plus, I can customize timers, and set intervals, and optimize my sauna routine for maximum effectiveness.

Features of Timer Plus:

  • Multiple timers: Timer Plus allows me to set multiple timers for various aspects of my sauna session, such as warm-up time, session duration, and cooldown periods.
  • Interval timer: The app offers an interval timer feature, which is useful for setting specific intervals between sauna sessions or for incorporating interval training into my sauna routine.
  • Preset timers: Timer Plus provides a range of preset timers for different sauna session types, making it easy for me to get started without the need for manual customization.

Pros of Timer Plus:

  • Versatility and customization: Timer Plus offers a wide range of timer options and customization settings, allowing me to tailor my sauna session timings to my specific needs and goals.
  • Interval training support: The interval timer feature of Timer Plus enables me to incorporate interval training techniques into my sauna routine, enhancing the effectiveness of my sessions.
  • Preset timers for convenience: The app’s preset timers provide a convenient option for beginners or those who prefer predefined session timings.

Cons of Timer Plus:

  • The learning curve for advanced features: Timer Plus offers advanced functionalities, which may require some time to fully understand and utilize them effectively.
  • Compatibility considerations: It’s important to ensure that Timer Plus is compatible with my specific sauna model or device before downloading.

5. Minimalist Pomodoro Timer

As I continued my search for the best sauna tracker apps for Android & iOS, I stumbled upon the Minimalist Pomodoro Timer, which offers a unique approach to tracking sauna sessions. This app, originally designed for productivity and time management, can be adapted to track sauna sessions effectively. With the Minimalist Pomodoro Timer, I can stay focused during my sauna sessions and optimize my time spent in the sauna.

Features of Minimalist Pomodoro Timer:

  • Focus timer: The app provides a timer that allows me to set specific durations for my sauna sessions, ensuring that I stay focused and make the most of my time.
  • Break reminders: The Minimalist Pomodoro Timer also offers break reminders, which can be useful during longer sauna sessions to ensure I take appropriate breaks for hydration and relaxation.
  • Customizable intervals: I can customize the length of my sauna sessions and breaks according to my preferences, allowing for flexibility in my sauna routine.

Pros of Minimalist Pomodoro Timer:

  • Focus and productivity: The Minimalist Pomodoro Timer’s focus timer helps me stay on track and make the most of my sauna sessions, increasing productivity and efficiency.
  • Customizability: The app allows me to adjust the duration of my sauna sessions and breaks, providing flexibility to accommodate my specific needs and goals.
  • Multi-purpose functionality: While originally designed for productivity, the Minimalist Pomodoro Timer can be adapted to track sauna sessions, making it a versatile option for managing both work and relaxation.

Cons of Minimalist Pomodoro Timer:

  • Limited sauna-specific features: As a timer originally designed for productivity, the Minimalist Pomodoro Timer may lack some sauna-specific features found in dedicated sauna tracker apps.
  • User interface: The app’s user interface may not be as visually appealing or intuitive compared to other sauna tracker apps available.

6. HoursTracker: Time tracking

Another noteworthy option among the best sauna tracker apps for Android & iOS is HoursTracker: Time tracking. Although primarily designed for tracking work hours, this app can also be utilized to track sauna sessions effectively. With HoursTracker, I can easily monitor the duration of my sauna sessions, helping me stay accountable and achieve my sauna-related goals.

Features of HoursTracker: Time tracking:

  • Session tracking: The app allows me to create dedicated “sessions” for my sauna activities, enabling me to track and monitor the duration of each sauna session accurately.
  • Break tracking: HoursTracker also offers break tracking functionality, which can be useful for tracking breaks taken during sauna sessions for hydration or relaxation purposes.
  • Detailed reports: The app provides detailed reports and summaries of my sauna sessions, allowing me to review and analyze my sauna routine over time.

Pros of HoursTracker: Time tracking:

  • Accurate session tracking: HoursTracker’s session tracking feature ensures that I have an accurate record of my sauna sessions, helping me stay accountable and monitor my progress.
  • Break tracking for self-care: The app’s break tracking functionality promotes self-care during sauna sessions by reminding me to take breaks for hydration and relaxation.
  • Data analysis: HoursTracker’s detailed reports and summaries give me insights into my sauna routine, allowing me to identify patterns and make informed adjustments.

Cons of HoursTracker: Time tracking:

  • Primarily designed for work hours: While HoursTracker can be adapted for sauna tracking, it may lack some specific features found in dedicated sauna tracker apps.
  • The learning curve for advanced features: The app offers advanced functionalities for reporting and data analysis, which may require some time to fully understand and utilize effectively.


1. Can I sync my sauna tracker app data across multiple devices?

Yes, most sauna tracker apps offer data syncing capabilities, allowing you to access your sauna session data across different devices.

2. Are sauna tracker apps compatible with smartwatches?

Some sauna tracker apps have compatibility with smartwatches, enabling you to track your sauna sessions conveniently from your wrist.

3. Can I export my sauna session data for analysis or sharing purposes?

Many sauna tracker apps provide the option to export your sauna session data in various formats, such as CSV or PDF, for further analysis or sharing.

4. Do sauna tracker apps require an internet connection to function?

Most sauna tracker apps can function without an internet connection, allowing you to track your sauna sessions even when offline.

5. Can sauna tracker apps integrate with other health and fitness apps?

Some sauna tracker apps offer integrations with popular health and fitness apps, allowing you to consolidate your sauna session data with other wellness metrics.


Sauna tracker apps have revolutionized the way we approach sauna sessions. By utilizing these apps, you can now monitor and optimize your sauna experience like never before. We have explored a range of top sauna tracker apps for Android and iOS, including SaunaControl, Sauna, Visual Timer, Timer Plus, Minimalist Pomodoro Timer, and HoursTracker. Each of these apps offers unique features and functionalities to cater to your sauna tracking needs.

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